MAT434: Homework 2
You’ve been working on your initial data wrangling and analysis (new students, returning students, python users) in an R project that is managing a GitHub Repository. Complete the following:
- Render your markdown file to generate the HTML notebook.
- Use the
tab in the top-right pane of RStudio to Pull in changes from your remote repository. The button for pulling in changes is the blue down arrow – you should already be up to date. - Click the checkboxes next to your Rmd and html files and then click the Commit` button.
- Add a commit message in the text box and click the button to commit your changes.
- Click the green up arrow to push your changes out to your remote repository on GitHub.
- Submit a link to your GitHub repository as your submission for HW 2 on BrightSpace.
Stop by my office if you have any questions or need help.