Purpose: This notebook addresses how to wrangle data in Python. This notebook assumes that you already have a Python installation that can be accessed from within RStudio, you know how to install and load Python modules, you know how to read data from a remote location using a web URL, and you know how to create Python code chunks from an RMarkdown notebook in RStudio.

Note: Below, you’ll be asked to build an Markdown notebook which includes many code cells to accomplish tasks. In addition to the code cells (grey background), be sure to leave yourself short notes in text cells (white background) which describe what you are doing with the code. Having a notebook that consists of 25 code cells with no additional context at the end of this discussion won’t be very useful. You’ll also be adding to this notebook later, so including some limited discussions now will be helpful!


  1. Open RStudio and ensure that you are working in the project which is managing your GitHub repository for our course. Use File -> New File -> R Markdown... to create a new R Markdown file. Fill in the title field with Data Wrangling for MLB Batted Balls, update the author field with your name if it is not already there. You can check the box to use the current date when rendering your document, and leave the default output format as HTML.

You can see several items in this sample markdown file. We’ll cover them in detail later, but for now

You can remove all the boilerplate from line 12 down. In the initial R code chunk, add and run the following two lines.

  1. Add another new code chunk, but using Python this time. Write and run import pandas as pd.

Loading Data

Now that you have {pandas} loaded, the next thing we’ll need is actual data to manipulate. We’ll be much more interested in working with our own data which we’ll either find locally (stored on our own computers) or remotely (accessed via a web URL). {pandas} includes several functions for reading data in a variety of formats:

The following examples show how we can read a variety of files into a Python session in RStudio.

#Read the MAT241 sheet from the grades.xls file in 
#the Spring 2021 folder on my computer's desktop
grades = pd.read_excel("C:/Users/agilb/Desktop/Spring 2021/grades.xls", sheet_name = "MAT241")

#Read in data from a csv file of Tate Gallery Artists housed 
#in a public github repository on the web
tate_artists = pd.read_csv("https://github.com/tategallery/collection/raw/master/artist_data.csv")

Now it’s time for you to load in some data. We’ll work with two data sets in this notebook: battedballs.csv and park_dimensions.csv. You can find those data sets in one of my GitHub repositories here. In order to read these into Python, we’ll need a link to the raw data sources.

  1. Complete the following to read in the battedballs.csv file.
  1. Repeat Step 3, but read in park_dimensions.csv instead.

Viewing Data

Now that we’ve got data, the first thing we should do is look at it. There are a few really handy R methods for getting a feel for the data you have access to. The .info(), .describe(), .head(), .tail() methods are four that are really commonly used.

  1. Open a new code cell in your R Markdown notebook by using the +C button at the top of the top-left pane in RStudio and choosing Python as the language for the code cell. Use the functions mentioned above to explore your batted_balls and park_dimensions data frames.

Manipulating Data

Now that we know how to load and view our data, let’s talk about manipulating it. We can restrict the data we are working with, produce summaries of the data, transform the data, and more.

Dot Notation and Chaining Commands Together

Python methods can be chained together using “dot” notation. The object to the left of the “dot” will be passed as the first argument to the method on the right of the “dot”. As long as we are careful and pay attention to the state of a transformed object, we can chain multiple transformations together. We’ll with code that we’ve already seen.


You can read the code above as saying “take the batted_balls data set, and plug it into the head() function”.

Restricting Data

The most common methods for restricting data deal with filtering out rows or columns so that we are only working with a subset of our original data set.

Filtering Rows with .loc[]

Sometimes we are not interested in all of the observations in a particular data set, but only those satisfying certain criteria. For example, maybe we only want to see batted_balls where the pitch_name is "Changeup". The filter() function will allow us to get rid of all other classes of pitch_type.

batted_balls.loc[batted_balls["pitch_name"] == "Changeup"]

We can also use more complex conditions on which rows to see using and (&) and or (|) statements. Maybe we want to see only those batted_balls whose bearing is "center" and whose launch_speed exceeds 100mph.

batted_balls.loc[(batted_balls["bearing"] == "center") & (batted_balls["launch_speed"] > 100)]
  1. Add another new code cell and use it to write and execute the filtering operations above. Verify that they work as expected.

  2. Create a copy of the code to show batted_balls whose bearing is "center" and whose launch_speed exceeds 100mph, and change it so that you obtain all batted_balls whose bearing is "center" or whose launch_speed exceeds 100mph.

  3. Add another new code cell and perform at least one additional filtering operation that you are interested in.

Selecting Columns

Similarly to the way we can filter rows, we are able to select only the columns we are interested in. We can use .loc[] for this as well, but if we are just subsetting columns then it is more common to pass a list of column names which we are interested in. Both of the options below have the same behavior.

batted_balls.loc[:, ["batter_team", "bb_type", "bearing", "inning", "pitch_mph", "launch_speed", "launch_angle", "is_home_run"]]
batted_balls[["batter_team", "bb_type", "bearing", "inning", "pitch_mph", "launch_speed", "launch_angle", "is_home_run"]]

We can also select all columns except certain ones by using the .drop() method and setting the drop axis = 1 to indicate that we want to drop columns rather than rows.

batted_balls.drop(["bip_id", "batter_id", "pitcher_id"], axis = 1)
  1. Open another new code cell to confirm that the code from the blocks above work as expected.

  2. In an additional new code cell, try subsetting several columns on your own. Can you subset columns and then subset columns again? Try it! What happens? When does it work and when does it not?

We can combine filtering and selection operations using .loc[].

batted_balls.loc[(batted_balls["home_team"] == "BOS"), ["away_team", "batter_team", "batter_name", "pitcher_name", "bb_type", "bearing", "pitch_name", "is_home_run"]]

Summarizing Data

There are lots of ways we can summarize our data. We can provide simple counts, compute averages, even build out our own summary functions.

Computing Counts

We can start with a simple question like, how many batted balls from each team are contained in this data set? To answer this, we simply use the “dot” to pass the batted_balls data frame into the value_counts() function, identifying the batter_team column as the column we wish to count.

  1. Open another new code cell in your notebook and use it to run the code above.

The counts are displayed in alphabetical order by batter_team. We might be interested in the teams with the most batted_balls. We’ll do this by chaining the .sort_values() method at the end of the previous command.


It’s probably more likely that we want to see teams with lots of batted balls at the top of our list. We can set the ascending argument of sort_values() to False to achieve this.

batted_balls.value_counts("batter_team").sort_values(ascending = False)
  1. Verify that the code above works as described by editing the code in your most recent cell and running it.

Let’s say we wanted to know how the distribution of pitch_name against each of the different teams (batter_team) when there are 2 outs (outs_when_up). This is a more complicated question. We would first need to filter the data so that we are only considering batted balls when the number of outs_when_up is 2. Then we would obtain value_counts() on the list of columns we care about ["home_team", pitch_name"].

batted_balls.loc[batted_balls["outs_when_up"] == 2].value_counts(["home_team", "pitch_name"])
  1. Again, verify that the code above works as described using a new code cell.

  2. Add another new code cell and compute summaries of categorical variables that you find interesting.

Summarizing Numerical Data

Summarizing categorical data is most often done with counts, but we’ve got many more choices when we are working with numerical data. We have several measures of center or spread that we could choose from – we could even define our own metrics. Let’s say we wanted to know the median launch_speed across all of the batted balls in our data set. We can use .median() for this.

  1. Open another new code cell in your notebook and try the code above. What do you get for a median launch speed?

R and Python behave differently here. In Python you get a numeric value, but in R you would get NA back. R lets its users know that missing data is present and calculations must manually override this behavior by telling functions that NA values should be removed from the calculation.

  1. Using a new code cell, compute the maximum (max()) launch angle for a batted ball in the data set.

If we want summaries of multiple columns at once, we can do this with the .agg() method.

batted_balls.agg(mean_pitch_mph = ("pitch_mph", "mean"),
                 std_pitch_mph = ("pitch_mph", "std"),
                 mean_launch_speed = ("launch_speed", "mean"),
                 std_launch_speed = ("launch_speed", "std")
  1. As usual, open a code cell to compute the summary statistics using the code above.

It might be useful if we could get grouped summary statistics. Let’s use .group_by() to see how these measures vary across pitch type (pitch_name).

batted_balls.groupby("pitch_name").agg(mean_pitch_mph = ("pitch_mph", "mean"),
                                       std_pitch_mph = ("pitch_mph", "std"),
                                       mean_launch_speed = ("launch_speed", "mean"),
                                       std_launch_speed = ("launch_speed", "std")
  1. Use a code cell to verify the results of the code above. Can you arrange the results in order of mean launch speed, from slowest to fastest? This is harder in Python than in R because in Python we’re switching between data structures when we make these transformations. In R, we maintain data frames at each step of the way.
batted_balls.groupby("pitch_name").agg(mean_pitch_mph = ("pitch_mph", "mean"),
                 std_pitch_mph = ("pitch_mph", "std"),
                 mean_launch_speed = ("launch_speed", "mean"),
                 std_launch_speed = ("launch_speed", "std")

Transforming Data

Often, you may be in a situation where you would like to create new columns, using the existing columns. This can be done using the familiar bracket notation ([]).

dataset["newColumnName"] = ...

In the batted_balls data set, let’s add a computed column for the vertical launch velocity of the batted ball. The vertical launch velocity can be computed as launch_speed * sin(launch_angle*(pi/180)). We’ll need the numpy library for this. Install and load it, then you’ll have access to np.sin() for computing the sine function for an angle.

batted_balls["vertical_launch_velocity"] = batted_balls["launch_speed"]*np.sin(batted_balls["launch_angle"]*(np.pi/180))
  1. Again, add a code cell to verify that the code above works as described.

  2. Update your code to add another column for the horizontal_launch_velocity. It is computed the same way, but uses cos() instead of sin().

Note that what we’ve done has permanently altered our batted_balls data frame. We’ve added two new columns to it.

One pretty common step in an analysis is to create a categorical column from a variable which was originally numeric. I haven’t found a very elegant way to do this in Python, but perhaps this is a great use-case for {reticulate}. In order to do this we can use the case_when() function in R. The structure of this function is a collection of subsequent tests and their corresponding results if true. It will be easier to see in an example.

batted_balls_r <- py$batted_balls
batted_balls_r <- batted_balls_r %>%
  mutate(launch_speed_categorical = case_when(
    (launch_speed > 100) ~ "Very Fast",
    (launch_speed > 80) ~ "Fast",
    (launch_speed > 65) ~ "Meh",
    (launch_speed > 40) ~ "Kinda Slow",
    (is.na(launch_speed)) ~ NA,
    TRUE ~ "Was it even moving?"

Notice that, if you want these changes made permanent in R, you’ll need to explicitly save the changes to the batted_balls_r data frame. Once this is done, you can pass the results back to python via r.batted_balls_r in a Python code chunk.

  1. Use a few new code cells to try the code above. Remember that at least one of your cells will be an R code chunk. Before you execute the code, what do you think should happen? After executing the code, do your expectations match the output?

Joining Data

It’s not always the case that our data all lives neatly in a single table. Most often our data is split across multiple tables. This is the case in our baseball scenario. Useful information is stored away in the park_dimensions() data set. Storing this data separately reduces redundancy, reduces storage size, and improves reliability. If we want to use park_dimensions information in understanding our batted_balls data, then we can join the park_dimensions data onto our batted_balls data. A join matches two tables using at least one shared column – the resulting table includes columns from both of the individual tables.

There are several different types of join, but we’ll almost always be able to get away with a left-join. This particular type of join begins with a table (on the left) and adds columns from another table (the table on the right) by matching on a shared column(s).

A left-join to add the park_dimensions variables onto the batted_balls data appears below. In pandas, we perform joins with the .merge() method.

batted_balls.merge(park_dimension, how = "left", left_on = "park", right_on = "park")

The left_on and right_on arguments are the column matches. If matching on multiple columns, you can pass lists of column names here – those lists should be the same length and the matching columns should appear in the same positions within the lists.

  1. Include another additional code cell and verify that the resulting data frame includes all of the original columns from batted_balls as well as the columns from park_dimensions. You can spot-check a few rows to ensure that the correct park dimension data has been appended to each row.

Wide- and Long-Format Data Frames

It is common to find a need to reshape your data. Some formats are convenient for analysis, while other formats are convenient for presentation or storage. The {tidyverse} provides two functions whose job it is to reshape data frames from wide to long (pivot_longer()) or from long to wide (pivot_wider()). The process of transforming a data frame from wide format to long format is done by collapsing several columns down to just two – one containing the old column names and another containing the corresponding values under those old columns. Let’s see that below on a simple data set that we’ll construct. For context, let’s assume that the data set below contains growth measurements in centimeters for plants placed in four different types of fertilizer (A - D).

num_obs = 5

wide_fertilizer_data = pd.DataFrame({
  "day" : range(num_obs),
  "A" : np.random.uniform(0, 4, num_obs),
  "B" : np.random.uniform(0, 4, num_obs),
  "C" : np.random.uniform(0, 4, num_obs),
  "D" : np.random.uniform(0, 4, num_obs)
py$wide_fertilizer_data %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("hover", "striped"))
day A B C D
0 1.8264057 1.317352 1.824590 0.4845877
1 3.6573500 1.724042 1.121196 3.0031416
2 0.0778902 3.660756 3.080697 0.1803989
3 0.8182959 3.341337 1.521192 2.8867121
4 1.6094134 3.816755 3.478010 2.7209922

In the simulated dataset above, the columns A - D aren’t variables that are being measured. They are levels of a categorical variable, fertilizer_type. In order to make this data tidy for analysis, we’ll need to pivot those four fertilizer types into a new column, and collapse the recorded growth values into another new column. This means that each day will be repeated four times…once for each of the four fertilizer types. We should go from a data frame with five rows to one with twenty (a longer data frame!). Let’s see that with pivot_longer() below.

long_fertilizer_data = wide_fertilizer_data.melt(id_vars = ["day"], var_name = "fertilizer_type", value_name = "growth") 
py$long_fertilizer_data %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("hover", "striped"))
day fertilizer_type growth
0 A 1.8264057
1 A 3.6573500
2 A 0.0778902
3 A 0.8182959
4 A 1.6094134
0 B 1.3173524
1 B 1.7240415
2 B 3.6607563
3 B 3.3413372
4 B 3.8167553
0 C 1.8245895
1 C 1.1211957
2 C 3.0806975
3 C 1.5211921
4 C 3.4780098
0 D 0.4845877
1 D 3.0031416
2 D 0.1803989
3 D 2.8867121
4 D 2.7209922

The longer data frame is more difficult for us to extract meaning from than the original wide data frame. However, this wide-format data frame is much better suited for analysis.

The pivot_wider() function can be though of as the inverse of the pivot_longer() function. We can use it to convert our long_fertilizer_data back into wide format. I’ve found pivot_wider() to be really useful when I want to display tables in my notebooks.

wide_again = long_fertilizer_data.pivot(index = ["day"], columns = ["fertilizer_type"], values = ["growth"]) 
py$wide_again %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("hover", "striped"))
growth A B C D
0 1.8264057 1.317352 1.824590 0.4845877
1 3.6573500 1.724042 1.121196 3.0031416
2 0.0778902 3.660756 3.080697 0.1803989
3 0.8182959 3.341337 1.521192 2.8867121
4 1.6094134 3.816755 3.478010 2.7209922

Being able to quickly reshape data using pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() is a skill that will serve you quite well if you find yourself doing analysis and reporting.

Misc Additional Items

There is much that we haven’t covered, but a few things definitely worth a quick mention are:

The code in the block above will produce a nicely formatted table in which the rows are striped and if we hover over a row of our table then it will be highlighted in the HTML document. Try adding a code cell as above and then re-knitting your document. See how nice this table looks? You might copy and paste these lines to the end of each of our code cells in this notebook that output tables. The document resulting from your knitting will be much more visually pleasing.

Final Thoughts

There is a lot more to learn about data manipulation and Python in general. I like R much better for data wrangling than Python because of the {tidyverse} and the other package groups within the tidy-ecosystem (ie. {tidytext}, {tidymodels}, etc.). All of these packages are all built on common syntax and programmatic principles, always working with data frames. You can read more about this in the TidyTools Manifesto. That being said, you can certainly complete all of your data wrangling tasks in Python if you like.

You won’t be an expert after working through this document, but it should provide you with a solid start. Please feel free to continue adding notes to your markdown file as we encounter more advanced functionality.