Student Notes Template (Replace Title With Day or Section Number)
Me, Scientist
September 6, 2024
#We'll load the packages we'll needlibrary(tidyverse) #tidyverse ecosystemlibrary(tidymodels) #tidy modeling frameworklibrary(palmerpenguins) #penguins datalibrary(patchwork) #easy plot arrangementslibrary(kableExtra) #formatting table outputs#Set kable table printing options for HTML outputoptions(kable_styling_bootstrap_options =c("hover", "striped"))#Set ggplot base themetheme_set(theme_bw(base_size =14))
General Note: You should keep a copy of this template on your computer. Open it at the beginning of each class period, and use File -> Save As to save a new copy corresponding to that class period. This way you’ll have a notebook for each individual class meeting and you won’t ever overwrite the template file or your previous notes, on accident.
Add your own description of the topic…You can type text freely outside of the code chunks.
Read in Data
We’ll start the semester with pre-built notes utilizing the palmer penguins data. Since those notes are pre-built with all of the necessary code and output, I think its a good idea to rewrite your own notes using a different data set. I’m reading in a TidyTuesday dataset on rental properties in the San Francisco area. You are certainly free to choose a different dataset if you’d like though! You can even switch it up from class meeting to class meeting if you are feeling adventurous.