Overview of Statistical Learning (and Competition Overview)

Dr. Gilbert

September 6, 2024

Statistical Learning in Pictures

Statistical Learning in Pictures

  • Goal: Build a model \(\displaystyle{\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x}\) to predict \(y\), given \(x\).

  • Generalized Goal: Build a model \(\displaystyle{\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \cdots + \beta_k x_k}\) to predict \(y\) given features \(x_1, \cdots, x_k\).

    • \(\beta_i\)’s are parameters, learned from training data.

Statistical Learning in Pictures

  • This model doesn’t capture the general trend between our observed \(x\) and \(y\) pairs.

Statistical Learning in Pictures

  • Better job capturing the general trend (sort of).
  • Larger \(x\) values are associated with smaller \(y\) values.

Statistical Learning in Pictures

Statistical Learning in Pictures

  • Always predicting too high!

    • We should overpredict sometimes and underpredict others. The average error should be \(0\).

Statistical Learning in Pictures

Statistical Learning in Pictures

Statistical Learning in Pictures

  • Capturing the general trend?

    • mostly
  • Balanced errors?

How it works

In this case, we have \(\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] = \beta_0 + \beta_1\cdot x\) and we find \(\beta_0\) (intercept) and \(\beta_1\) (slope) to minimize the quantity

\[\sum_{i = 1}^{n}{\left(y_{\text{obs}_i} - y_{\text{pred}_i}\right)^2}\]

How it works

In this case, we have \(\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] = \beta_0 + \beta_1\cdot x\) and we find \(\beta_0\) (intercept) and \(\beta_1\) (slope) to minimize the quantity

\[\sum_{i = 1}^{n}{\left(y_{\text{obs}_i} - \left(\beta_0 + \beta_1\cdot x_{\text{obs}_i}\right)\right)^2}\]

  • Changing \(\beta_0\) and/or \(\beta_1\) will change this sum.

How it works

Interpreting the Model

\(\displaystyle{\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] = 3783.21 - 45.3\cdot x}\)

  • The expected value of \(y\) when \(x = 0\) is \(3783.21\).
  • As \(x\) increases, we expect \(y\) to decrease (on average).
  • Given a unit increase in \(x\), we expect \(y\) to decrease by about \(45.3\) units.

Interpreting the Model

\(\displaystyle{\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] = 3783.21 - 45.3\cdot x}\)

  • The expected value of \(y\) when \(x = 0\) is \(3783.21\).
  • As \(x\) increases, we expect \(y\) to decrease (on average).
  • Given a unit increase in \(x\), we expect \(y\) to decrease by about \(45.3\) units.

Approach to Model Interpretation: In general, we’ll interpret the intercept (when appropriate) and the expected effect of a unit change in each predictor on the response

Can we find a better model?

Can we interpret this model?

  • The equation is \(\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] \approx 1202 - 4911x +3156x^2 + 784x^3 +\\ 409x^4 -215x^5 -7x^6 -516x^7\)
  • No thanks…

Do we expect this model to generalize well?

Do we expect this model to generalize well?

  • Especially near \(x = 0\) and \(x = 100\)

Is there a happy medium?

Is there a happy medium?

  • Fits old and new observations similarly well

  • Equation \(\displaystyle{\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] \approx 1202 -4912x + 3156x^2}\)

    • We’ll be able to interpret this

How do we know what model is right?

  • The purple model is too straight
  • The orange model is too wiggly
  • The green model is just right

How do we know what model is right?

  • We don’t want to wait for new data to know we are wrong.

    • Use some of our available data for training
    • And the rest for validation

Okay, but our predictions are all wrong…literally!

  • All models are wrong, but some are useful, George Box (1976)
  • Predictions will be wrong but, with some assumptions, they have value

Necessary Assumptions

For model and predictions

  • Training data are random and representative of population.

    • Otherwise, we should not be modeling this way.
  • Residuals (prediction errors) are normally distributed with mean \(\mu = 0\) and constant standard deviation \(\sigma\).

    • Allows construction of confidence intervals around predictions (making our models right).

Necessary Assumptions

For interpretations of coefficients (statistical learning / inference)

  • No multicollinearity (predictors aren’t correlated with one another)


  • Building models \(\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \cdots + \beta_k x_k\)

  • Predicting a numerical response (\(y\)) given features (\(x_i\))

  • Need data to build the models – some for training, some for validation

    • The \(\beta_i\)’s are parameters whose values are learned/estimated from training data
  • Model predictions will be wrong

  • As long as standard deviation of residuals (prediction errors) is constant, we can build meaningful confidence intervals for predictions

  • Can interpret models to gain insight into relationships between predictor(s) and response

Competition Information

  • Predict Door Dash delivery times

    • Time from placing order to delivery
  • Response: delivery time

  • Predictors: market_id, order_time, delivery_time, store_id, cuisine_type, order_protocol, items_in_order, subtotal_cost, distinct_items_in_order, min_item_price, max_item_price, dashers_working, busy_dashers, outstanding_orders, model_1_estimate, model_2_estimate

How this works

  • Six assignments to guide you.
  • You’ll take data provided by Door Dash and build models.
  • Kaggle will assess the predictions from everyone’s models.
  • Live leaderboard, using only part of the competition data so you know approximately where you stand.
  • You’ll talk with eachother about why/how you have different scores.
  • People might share their strategies, or they might not – this is a competition after all.


  • Interest in homework assignments generally ends after they’re turned in and graded.
  • Competition assignments and environment ask you to iterate on previous work.
  • You’ll almost surely be interested in what other people have done, especially if their models have performed better than yours.
  • You’ll talk with eachother about strategies and modeling choices.
  • You’ll be motivated to improve your model even between assignments.

What past students say

  • The competition is fun
  • It is motivating
  • I learned more because I wanted to place better in the competition
  • Talking with others about their models made me more confident in my understanding of course material

What you are building

  • An analytics report
  • You’ll be building models and (more importantly) writing about your modeling choices and the performance of your models
  • Six assignments – each focusing on part(s) of the modeling process and analytics report
  • Prepares you for the final project, where you’ll do all this over again on a data set you identified and care about

Next Time…

  • Way fewer slides! 🤕
  • An introduction to R
  • Getting our hands dirty!

Homework: Start Competition Assignment 1 – join the competition, read the details, download the data, and start writing a Statement of Purpose