Model Performance Expectations: Cross-Validation

Dr. Gilbert

September 1, 2024

Reminders from Last Time

Reminders from Last Time

Reminders from Last time

The appropriate level of flexibility is third-degree, since this is where test error “bottoms out”

Reminders from Last Time

model degree training_rsq training_rmse test_rsq test_rmse
cubic 3 0.6796513 189.1408 0.5509124 206.3521
5th-Order 5 0.6918323 185.5100 0.5179021 213.5337
11th-order 11 0.7240143 175.5566 0.4412691 224.7953
straight-line 1 0.3134716 276.8874 0.0789754 300.8079
quadratic 2 0.3398392 271.5181 0.0738314 307.3919

We see that the test RMSE for our third degree model is 206.35, so we expect our model to make accurate predictions to within about \(\pm\) 412.7


Everything seems great!

  • We’ve got a method for solving the bias / variance trade-off problem which will identify a best model from a collection of models of varying flexibility for us
  • We can use that best model’s test error to approximate expectations for how well the model will perform in the future



With a New Training Set:

model degree training_rsq training_rmse test_rsq test_rmse
cubic 3 0.7981217 158.4970 0.7982242 146.8683
5th-Order 5 0.7990567 158.1295 0.7952200 148.5149
11th-order 11 0.8049226 155.8044 0.7879767 149.8587
straight-line 1 0.3425559 286.0261 0.3131954 269.1524
quadratic 2 0.5677676 231.9182 0.3640869 273.2012

And Another One:

model degree training_rsq training_rmse test_rsq test_rmse
cubic 3 0.6123807 197.3610 0.5970482 186.7749
5th-Order 5 0.6131376 197.1682 0.5947238 187.3216
11th-order 11 0.6539726 186.4721 0.6044743 188.9840
straight-line 1 0.3461959 256.3200 0.5870271 191.8498
quadratic 2 0.3861875 248.3571 0.4667014 214.1677

Our Method is Unstable!

We fairly reliably identify the appropriate level of flexibility

Our Method is Unstable!

flexibility trial type rsq rmse
3 1 test 0.7452874 149.4978
3 2 test 0.3951219 230.0432
3 3 test 0.5683425 212.4789
3 4 test 0.8285252 167.4943
3 5 test 0.6050025 213.4999
3 6 test 0.4591706 246.3405
3 7 test 0.6534396 166.1391
3 8 test 0.5846136 216.4419
3 9 test 0.6994682 169.4707
3 10 test 0.2591332 218.8259

…but those performance estimates are wild!

Depending on the test set, we could be claiming model predictions accurate to within \(\pm 299\) or \(\pm 492.68\) – that’s a big difference

Okay, So What’s Going On

We thought we were doing the right thing with our training/test/validation set approach all along, but

this approach left us very vulnerable to the observations which, by chance, fell into our training and validation/test sets

Different training data can lead to different models (beyond even just differences in estimated coefficients) and result in quite different performance expectations

We need a framework that leaves us less susceptible to random chance


  1. Randomly split available data into training and validation sets

  2. Randomly split the training set into \(k\) folds

  3. For each individual fold…

    • Keep that fold as a hold-out set
    • Train your model on all remaining folds
    • Assess the resulting model on the hold-out
    • Store the resulting performance metric
  4. Average your \(k\) performance estimates together

The resulting estimate is our cross-validation performance estimate, which is much more stable than a performance estimate from a single model on a single hold-out set

About Cross-Validation

The following observations are worth calling out

  • Even when you are using cross-validation, you should initially split your data into a training and final testing set

    • That testing set will remain hidden and untouched as a final check before you send a model into “production”
    • You’ll no longer need separate testing and validation sets though
  • Common choices for \(k\) in \(k\)-fold cross-validation are \(k = 5\) and \(k = 10\)

  • A special case of \(k\)-fold cross-validation sets \(k = n\) so that each observation sits in its own fold – this is referred to as leave one out cross-validation (LOOCV)

  • Since we are training and assessing multiple models, cross-validation is a more computationally intensive approach than we’ve taken thus far

    • More folds means more model fits and assessments, so more compute time
  • Cross-validation results in performance estimates, but does not result in a fitted model!

    • For each fold, before fitting our model, the model fitted prior is obliterated
    • Important Restatement: Cross-validation assesses models; it does not fit them

Implementing Cross-Validation in {tidymodels}

Largely, things will remain the same – we’ll start with a model specification, then declare a recipe, and package the model and recipe together into a workflow

There will be three main differences though

  1. After we split our data into training and test sets, we’ll split our training set into folds using the vfold_cv() function

  2. Rather than using the fit() function to fit our model to the training data, we’ll use fit_resamples() to fit and assess along each fold (resample)

  3. The result of fit_resamples() will be a set of performance metrics calculated on each fold – we’ll obtain these using the collect_metrics() function

Let’s see this in action with our familiar penguins data

Implementing Cross-Validation in {tidymodels}

We’ll build a fairly complex model that includes all of the available predictors

It also includes interactions between species and both flipper length and bill length as well as an interaction between bill length and bill depth

penguins_split <- initial_split(penguins, prop = 0.9)
penguins_train <- training(penguins_split)
penguins_test <- testing(penguins_split)

penguins_folds <- vfold_cv(penguins_train, v = 10)

lr_spec <- linear_reg() %>%

lr_rec <- recipe(body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins_train) %>%
  step_dummy(species) %>%
  step_dummy(island) %>%
  step_interact(~ starts_with("species"):contains("length")) %>%
  step_interact(~ bill_length_mm:bill_depth_mm)

lr_wf <- workflow() %>%
  add_model(lr_spec) %>%

lr_results <- lr_wf %>%

Implementing Cross-Validation in {tidymodels}

Now that we’ve run cross-validation, it’s time to collect the results!

lr_results %>%
.metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
rmse standard 287.6428273 10 12.980473 Preprocessor1_Model1
rsq standard 0.8622995 10 0.021012 Preprocessor1_Model1

We see that the cross-validation RMSE is about 287.64, with a standard error of about 12.98, so we are confident our model will predict penguin body masses accurate within a conservative estimate of about \(\pm 2\cdot\left(\right.\) 287.64 \(\pm 2\cdot\left(\right.\) 12.98\(\left.\left.\right)\right)\)g, which is the same as \(\pm\) 627.21g

Implementing Cross-Validation in {tidymodels}

We can also see the results on each fold – I’ll do a bit of extra manipulation (not shown here) so that we can see both RMSE and \(R^2\) metrics side-by-side

lr_results %>%
  collect_metrics(summarize = FALSE)
id rmse rsq
Fold01 362.4834 0.7540292
Fold02 274.2758 0.8794673
Fold03 302.1292 0.7981302
Fold04 334.4922 0.7574754
Fold05 242.2274 0.9157606
Fold06 261.8536 0.9053921
Fold07 312.0557 0.9015039
Fold08 296.0174 0.8761237
Fold09 241.9070 0.9119503
Fold10 248.9867 0.9231618


  • The training/test/validation set approach leaves us too vulnerable to randomness

    • Both our model and performance metrics are extremely sensitive to our training and test/validation data
  • We split our training data into folds, using each fold once as a hold-out set, training a model on the remaining folds, and assessing the model on the hold-out fold to obtain multiple models and multiple performance assessments

    • Since we have multiple model assessments, some may be on “hard” tests while others are on “easy” tests so the average performance is a more reliable metric
    • In taking this cross-validation approach, we no longer need separate test and validation sets
    • We can include more of our data as part of the training set, which means we get to learn from more data as well
  • In {tidymodels}, we

    1. use vfold_cv() on our training data to create cross-validation folds
    2. use fit_resamples() on our folds, instead of fit() on the training data, to run the cross-validation procedure and obtain performance metrics on each fold
    3. use collect_metrics() to access the cross-validation performance measures

Let’s Do This!

Let’s try out cross-validation on the used cars data that we were using earlier this semester

Next Time…

Cross-Validation Workshop