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Predictive Analytics | Welcome

QSO 370/570 - Predictive Analytics

Syllabus (Summer 2023)

Course Description: This course introduces the techniques of predictive modeling in a data-rich business environment in order to predict future business outcomes and associated risks. It covers multivariate and other techniques to implement predictive models for a variety of practical business applications.

Remote, Asynchronous Section: This particular summer section of Predictive Analytics is being offered in a fully remote an asynchronous environment. We’ll make heavy use of Slack for interaction and collaboration throughout each week.

Students in this course should expect to use Python and Jupyter Notebooks (via Google Colab). Students will work through scripted analyses outside of class meetings and then will get their hands dirty, working with real data during class time. Applications will vary according to student and instructor interests.

Accessing Course Notes

The Jupyter Notebooks for this course can be accessed via Google Colab. You are welcome to copy and utilize the notebooks as you see fit. In order to access the notebooks, complete the following steps.

About Competition Assignments

In addition to traditional homework assignments in this course, students will encounter four assignments related to an In-Class Kaggle Competition. These assignments are designed to help with two things: (i) getting practice in building and assessing predictive models, and (ii) practice with technical report-writing. The Kaggle Competition will be closed such that only students in this course will be able to join, so students will be competing with their peers who are also learning about predictive modeling. The competition assignment for the Summer 2023 semester is on predicting the selling prices of used cars. A link to the competition is posted in BrightSpace.

Course Timeline and Notebooks

Below is a tentative timeline for our course. It includes Course Content and Assignments by week.

Week Class Content Assignments
0 Intro to Class Video
Enabling Google Colaboratory
Intro to Jupyter Notebooks
Start HW 0
1 Terminology Overview Notebook (Video Overview)
Python for Analytics Notebook (Videos: Part I, Part II)
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
HW 0 Due (Sunday, May 7)
Start Group Assign. 1
2 Analytics Overview Notebook
What is an Analytics Report?
Kaggle Competition Overview
Group HW 1 Due (Tues)
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
Enroll in Kaggle Comp
Start Comp. Assign. 1
3 matplotlib and seaborn Plotting Tutorial
Sample End-to-End Video
Comp. Assign. 1 Due (Tues)
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
Start Comp. Assign. 2
4 Draft SOP and EDA for Zillow Data
Peer Review (Slack)
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
Post and Peer Review
Continue Comp. Assign. 2
5 Evaluating Regressors
Assessing Regressors (Video)
Train/Test Split Explained (Video)
Comp. Assign 2 Due (Tues)
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
Start Group Assign. 2
6 What is Classification (Video)
Building Several Classifiers (Video)
Assessing Classifiers (Video)
Evaluating Classifiers
Group Assign. 2 Due (Tues)
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
Start Group Assign. 3
7 Linear Regression Overview
Linear Regression, Part I
Submitting Model Predictions to Kaggle
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
Start Comp. Assign. 3
8 Model-Building Frameworks
Linear Regression, Part II
Comp. Assign. 3 Due (Tues)
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
Start Group Assign. 4
9 Regression Trees Group Assign. 4 Due (Tues)
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
Start Comp. Assign. 4
10 Classification Trees
Classification Models and Zillow Data
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
Continue Comp Assign. 4
11 Logistic Regression Comp. Assign. 4 Due (Tues)
Slack Prompt (Wed)
Slack Prompt (Sun)
12+ Advanced Module Work Time Series, Unsupervised Learning, or
Statistics and Analytics for Dissertation/Thesis

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