Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Linear Regression

Dr. Gilbert

December 9, 2024

The Highlights

  • What’s left in our inference journey?

  • A reminder of the Ames home sales data

  • ANOVA – testing for a difference in means across multiple (more than two) groups

    • Some intuition for ANOVA
    • The mechanics of ANOVA
    • A completed example using home sales in Ames, IA
    • Limits to ANOVA Results, and Post-Hoc (Follow-Up) Tests
  • What’s still left in our inference journey?

  • A reminder on linear functions: \(y = mx + b\) and \(\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] = \beta_0 + \beta_1\cdot x\)

  • Linear Regression

    • Simple Linear Regression
    • Multiple Linear Regression
  • Summary and Closing

What’s Left for Inference?

Inference On... "Test" Name
One Binary Categorical Variable One Sample z
Association Between Two Binary Categorical Variables Two Sample z
One MultiClass Categorical Variable Chi-Squared GOF
Associations Between Two MultiClass Categorical Variables Chi-Squared Independence
One Numerical Variable One Sample t
Association Between a Numerical Variable and a Binary Categorical Variable Two Sample t
Association Between a Numerical Variable and a MultiClass Categorical Variable ?
Association Between a Numerical Variable and a Single Other Numerical Variable ?
Association Between a Numerical Variable and Many Other Variables ?
Association Between a Categorical Variable and Many Other Variables ✘ (MAT434)

The ames Home Sales Data

The ames data set includes data on houses sold in Ames, IA between 2006 and 2010

The dataset includes 82 features of 2,930 sold homes – that is, the dataset includes 82 variables and 2,930 observations

Order PID area price MS.SubClass MS.Zoning Lot.Frontage Lot.Area Street Alley Lot.Shape Land.Contour Utilities Lot.Config Land.Slope Neighborhood Condition.1 Condition.2 Bldg.Type House.Style Overall.Qual Overall.Cond Year.Built Year.Remod.Add Roof.Style Roof.Matl Exterior.1st Exterior.2nd Mas.Vnr.Type Mas.Vnr.Area Exter.Qual Exter.Cond Foundation Bsmt.Qual Bsmt.Cond Bsmt.Exposure BsmtFin.Type.1 BsmtFin.SF.1 BsmtFin.Type.2 BsmtFin.SF.2 Bsmt.Unf.SF Total.Bsmt.SF Heating Heating.QC Central.Air Electrical X1st.Flr.SF X2nd.Flr.SF Low.Qual.Fin.SF Bsmt.Full.Bath Bsmt.Half.Bath Full.Bath Half.Bath Bedroom.AbvGr Kitchen.AbvGr Kitchen.Qual TotRms.AbvGrd Functional Fireplaces Fireplace.Qu Garage.Type Garage.Yr.Blt Garage.Finish Garage.Cars Garage.Area Garage.Qual Garage.Cond Paved.Drive Wood.Deck.SF Open.Porch.SF Enclosed.Porch X3Ssn.Porch Screen.Porch Pool.Area Pool.QC Fence Misc.Feature Misc.Val Mo.Sold Yr.Sold Sale.Type Sale.Condition
1 526301100 1656 215000 20 RL 141 31770 Pave NA IR1 Lvl AllPub Corner Gtl NAmes Norm Norm 1Fam 1Story 6 5 1960 1960 Hip CompShg BrkFace Plywood Stone 112 TA TA CBlock TA Gd Gd BLQ 639 Unf 0 441 1080 GasA Fa Y SBrkr 1656 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 1 TA 7 Typ 2 Gd Attchd 1960 Fin 2 528 TA TA P 210 62 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA 0 5 2010 WD Normal
2 526350040 896 105000 20 RH 80 11622 Pave NA Reg Lvl AllPub Inside Gtl NAmes Feedr Norm 1Fam 1Story 5 6 1961 1961 Gable CompShg VinylSd VinylSd None 0 TA TA CBlock TA TA No Rec 468 LwQ 144 270 882 GasA TA Y SBrkr 896 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 TA 5 Typ 0 NA Attchd 1961 Unf 1 730 TA TA Y 140 0 0 0 120 0 NA MnPrv NA 0 6 2010 WD Normal
3 526351010 1329 172000 20 RL 81 14267 Pave NA IR1 Lvl AllPub Corner Gtl NAmes Norm Norm 1Fam 1Story 6 6 1958 1958 Hip CompShg Wd Sdng Wd Sdng BrkFace 108 TA TA CBlock TA TA No ALQ 923 Unf 0 406 1329 GasA TA Y SBrkr 1329 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 Gd 6 Typ 0 NA Attchd 1958 Unf 1 312 TA TA Y 393 36 0 0 0 0 NA NA Gar2 12500 6 2010 WD Normal
4 526353030 2110 244000 20 RL 93 11160 Pave NA Reg Lvl AllPub Corner Gtl NAmes Norm Norm 1Fam 1Story 7 5 1968 1968 Hip CompShg BrkFace BrkFace None 0 Gd TA CBlock TA TA No ALQ 1065 Unf 0 1045 2110 GasA Ex Y SBrkr 2110 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 1 Ex 8 Typ 2 TA Attchd 1968 Fin 2 522 TA TA Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA 0 4 2010 WD Normal
5 527105010 1629 189900 60 RL 74 13830 Pave NA IR1 Lvl AllPub Inside Gtl Gilbert Norm Norm 1Fam 2Story 5 5 1997 1998 Gable CompShg VinylSd VinylSd None 0 TA TA PConc Gd TA No GLQ 791 Unf 0 137 928 GasA Gd Y SBrkr 928 701 0 0 0 2 1 3 1 TA 6 Typ 1 TA Attchd 1997 Fin 2 482 TA TA Y 212 34 0 0 0 0 NA MnPrv NA 0 3 2010 WD Normal
6 527105030 1604 195500 60 RL 78 9978 Pave NA IR1 Lvl AllPub Inside Gtl Gilbert Norm Norm 1Fam 2Story 6 6 1998 1998 Gable CompShg VinylSd VinylSd BrkFace 20 TA TA PConc TA TA No GLQ 602 Unf 0 324 926 GasA Ex Y SBrkr 926 678 0 0 0 2 1 3 1 Gd 7 Typ 1 Gd Attchd 1998 Fin 2 470 TA TA Y 360 36 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA 0 6 2010 WD Normal

I’ve reduced the data set to only include the four neighborhoods where the most properties were sold

The reduced data is stored in ames_small, which still has 82 features but only 1,143 records

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Inferential Question: Does the average selling price of a home vary by neighborhood in Ames, IA?

Let’s start by identifying how many distinct neighborhoods are in ames_small

Neighborhood n
NAmes 443
CollgCr 267
OldTown 239
Edwards 194

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Inferential Question: Does the average selling price of a home vary by neighborhood in Ames, IA?

Let’s start by identifying how many distinct neighborhoods are in ames_small

Neighborhood n
NAmes 443
CollgCr 267
OldTown 239
Edwards 194

There are four neighborhoods here! Our previous tests could only handle comparisons across two groups.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Inferential Question: Does the average selling price of a home vary by neighborhood in Ames, IA?

Let’s start by identifying how many distinct neighborhoods are in ames_small

Neighborhood n
NAmes 443
CollgCr 267
OldTown 239
Edwards 194

There are four neighborhoods here! Our previous tests could only handle comparisons across two groups.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) provides a method for comparing group means across three or more groups

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Inferential Question: Does the average selling price of a home vary by neighborhood in Ames, IA?

Let’s start by identifying how many distinct neighborhoods are in ames_small

Neighborhood n
NAmes 443
CollgCr 267
OldTown 239
Edwards 194

There are four neighborhoods here! Our previous tests could only handle comparisons across two groups.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) provides a method for comparing group means across three or more groups

The hypotheses for an ANOVA test are:

\[\begin{array}{lcl} H_0 & : & \mu_1 = \mu_2 = \cdots = \mu_k~~\text{(All group means are equal)}\\ H_a & : & \text{At least one of the group means is different}\end{array}\]

Intuition for ANOVA

The main ideas behind ANOVA are somewhat simple…

  1. Ignore the groups and calculate the variability from the overall mean

  2. Calculate the variability from the group means

  3. Calculate how much of the total variability is explained by differences between the group means (\(\text{SS}_{\text{Total}} = \text{SS}_{\text{Between}} + \text{SS}_{\text{Within}}\))

  4. Standardize the variability measures by turning them into averages

  5. Compare the average between group variability to the average within group variability

    • If the between and within group variability are similar, then there is no evidence that group means differ
    • If the between and within group variability differ, then that is evidence that the group means differ from one another

Mechanics of ANOVA

Here are the main steps in an ANOVA test

  1. Calculate the overall mean (\(\bar{x}\)) of all the observed data, ignoring the groups.
  2. Compute the total sum of squares (\(\text{SS}_{\text{Total}}\)) to measure the overall variability in the data: \(\text{SS}_\text{Total} = \sum (x - \bar{x})^2\)
  3. For each group, calculate the mean (\(\bar{x}_i\)) and the within-group sum of squares \(\left(\text{SS}_{\text{Within}}\right)\), which measures the variability within each group: \(\displaystyle{\text{SS}_\text{Within} = \sum_{\left(\text{groups, } i\right)} \sum_{\left(\text{observations, } x\right)} (x - \bar{x}_i)^2}\)
  4. Subtract the within-group variability from the total variability to get the between-group sum of squares (\(\text{SS}_{\text{Between}}\)), which measures how much the group means differ: \(\text{SS}_\text{Between} = \text{SS}_\text{Total} - \text{SS}_\text{Within}\)
  5. Compute the mean squares:
    • Mean Square Between (\(\text{MS}_{\text{Between}} = \text{SS}_{\text{Between}} / \left(\text{num_groups} - 1\right)\))
    • Mean Square Within (\(\text{MS}_{\text{Within}} = \text{SS}_{\text{Within}} / \left(\text{num_observations} - \text{num_groups}\right)\))
  6. The F-statistic is the ratio of these mean squares: \(\displaystyle{F = \frac{\text{MS}_\text{Between}}{\text{MS}_\text{Within}}}\)

Mechanics of ANOVA

Here are the main steps in an ANOVA test

  1. Subtract the within-group variability from the total variability to get the between-group sum of squares (\(\text{SS}_{\text{Between}}\)), which measures how much the group means differ: \(\text{SS}_\text{Between} = \text{SS}_\text{Total} - \text{SS}_\text{Within}\)
  2. Compute the mean squares:
    • Mean Square Between (\(\text{MS}_{\text{Between}} = \text{SS}_{\text{Between}} / \left(\text{num_groups} - 1\right)\))
    • Mean Square Within (\(\text{MS}_{\text{Within}} = \text{SS}_{\text{Within}} / \left(\text{num_observations} - \text{num_groups}\right)\))
  3. The F-statistic is the ratio of these mean squares: \(\displaystyle{F = \frac{\text{MS}_\text{Between}}{\text{MS}_\text{Within}}}\)
  1. Calculate the \(p\)-value using the \(F\) distribution with df1 as “one less than the number of groups” (\(k - 1\)) and df2 as “the number of observations minus the number of groups” (\(n - k\))
  2. Interpret the results of the test as usual (and in context)

In Practice: The full ANOVA test will be run using software and we’ll just need to interpret the results

Completed Example: Home Sales by Neighborhood

Inferential Question: Do selling prices of homes vary by neighborhood in Ames?

\[\begin{array}{lcl} H_0 & : & \text{Average selling prices are the same across neighborhoods}\\ H_a & : & \text{At least one neighborhood has a difference average selling price}\end{array}\]

Let’s run the test:

ANOVA_results <- aov(price ~ Neighborhood, data = ames_small)
ANOVA_results %>%
term df sumsq meansq statistic p.value
Neighborhood 3 9.574158e+11 319138602754 169.6027 6.888139e-91
Residuals 1139 2.143238e+12 1881683695 NA NA

Result: The \(p\)-value is very small (it’s being rounded to 0 here). Since the \(p\)-value is less than \(\alpha\) (0.05), we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative to it.

Result in Context: The average selling price of a home in Ames, IA does vary by neighborhood. At least one of the neighborhoods has a different average selling price than the others.

A Note on ANOVA Results

Notice that the result of the ANOVA test is simply that at least one neighborhood has a different average selling price

We don’t know which one, however

We can identify which neighborhood(s) differ from one another by either (i) using Tukey’s Honestly Significantly Different test, TukeyHSD() or (ii) using inference() to run the ANOVA test instead of aov()

A Note on ANOVA Results

To Use TukeyHSD(): Run the ANOVA test as we did previously and then

  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
    95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = price ~ Neighborhood, data = ames_small)

                     diff        lwr        upr     p adj
Edwards-CollgCr -70960.05 -81488.832 -60431.274 0.0000000
NAmes-CollgCr   -56706.08 -65352.891 -48059.278 0.0000000
OldTown-CollgCr -77811.54 -87749.674 -67873.412 0.0000000
NAmes-Edwards    14253.97   4645.569  23862.368 0.0008200
OldTown-Edwards  -6851.49 -17636.690   3933.709 0.3596082
OldTown-NAmes   -21105.46 -30062.724 -12148.194 0.0000000

It looks like the data provides evidence suggesting that all pairs of neighborhoods have average selling prices that differ, except for the Old Town and Edwards neighborhoods which may have the same average selling price

A Note on ANOVA Results

To Use inference(): You won’t use aov() at all; instead…

inference(y = price, x = Neighborhood, data = ames_small,
          statistic = "mean", type = "ht", method = "theoretical",
          show_eda_plot = FALSE, show_inf_plot = FALSE)
Response variable: numerical
Explanatory variable: categorical (4 levels) 
n_CollgCr = 267, y_bar_CollgCr = 201803.4345, s_CollgCr = 54187.8437
n_Edwards = 194, y_bar_Edwards = 130843.3814, s_Edwards = 48030.405
n_NAmes = 443, y_bar_NAmes = 145097.3499, s_NAmes = 31882.7072
n_OldTown = 239, y_bar_OldTown = 123991.8912, s_OldTown = 44327.1045

               df           Sum_Sq          Mean_Sq        F  p_value
Neighborhood    3 957415808260.877 319138602753.626 169.6027 < 0.0001
Residuals    1139 2143237728179.31  1881683694.6263                  
Total        1142 3100653536440.19                                   

Pairwise tests - t tests with pooled SD:
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  group1  group2   p.value
  <chr>   <chr>      <dbl>
1 Edwards CollgCr 5.91e-60
2 NAmes   CollgCr 3.48e-57
3 NAmes   Edwards 1.42e- 4
4 OldTown CollgCr 1.96e-77
5 OldTown Edwards 1.02e- 1
6 OldTown NAmes   1.82e- 9

Visual Confirmation

While a graphic alone cannot be used to conduct statistical inference, it can be used to confirm what we see numerically in a statistical test.

What Still Remains of Inference?

Inference On... "Test" Name
One Binary Categorical Variable One Sample z
Association Between Two Binary Categorical Variables Two Sample z
One MultiClass Categorical Variable Chi-Squared GOF
Associations Between Two MultiClass Categorical Variables Chi-Squared Independence
One Numerical Variable One Sample t
Association Between a Numerical Variable and a Binary Categorical Variable Two Sample t
Association Between a Numerical Variable and a MultiClass Categorical Variable ANOVA
Association Between a Numerical Variable and a Single Other Numerical Variable ?
Association Between a Numerical Variable and Many Other Variables ?
Association Between a Categorical Variable and Many Other Variables ✘ (MAT434)

The only remaining inference tasks for us to explore are those involving associations between two numerical variables (simple linear regression) and involving associations between a numerical variable and multiple other variables (multiple linear regression)

Aside: Linear Functions

Perhaps you remember the equation of a straight line from algebra: \(y = mx + b\)

  • \(y\) and \(x\) are numeric variables, where \(x\) is often called the independent variable and \(y\) is called the dependent variable
  • \(m\) is the slope of the line – that is, the change in \(y\) corresponding to a one-unit increase in \(x\)
  • \(b\) is the intercept of the line – that is, the value of \(y\) when \(x = 0\)

We can extend the notion of a linear function to include more than just one independent variable \(x\)

If \(x_1,~x_2,~\cdots,~x_k\) are all independent variables, then the equation \(y = b + m_1 x_1 + m_2 x_2 + \cdots + m_k x_k\) is an extension of a linear function to multiple dimensions

  • \(m_i\) is the slope with respect to \(x_i\) – that is, the change in \(y\) corresponding to a one-unit increase in \(x_i\) (holding all other \(x_j\) constant)
  • \(b\) is the intercept – that is, the value of \(y\) if \(x_i = 0\) for all \(i\)

Linear Regression

In simple linear regression, we have a numeric outcome variable of interest (\(y\)) and a numeric predictor variable \(x\)

Due to the random fluctuations in observed values of \(y\) and \(x\), a straight line will not pass through all of the observed \(x,~y\)-pairs but a straight line may capture the general trend between observed values of \(x\) and corresponding observed values of \(y\)

Simple Linear Regression: We can describe the relationship above by the equation \(\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] = \beta_0 + \beta_1\cdot x\)

  • \(\beta_0\) is the intercept – the expected value of \(y\) when \(x = 0\)
  • \(\beta_1\) is the slope – the expected change in \(y\) corresponding to a unit increase in \(x\)

Multiple Linear Regression: We can extend the relationship above, accommodating multiple independent and numeric predictor variables\(^{**}\), by the equation \(\mathbb{E}\left[y\right] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \cdots + \beta_k x_k\)

  • \(\beta_0\) is the intercept – the expected value of \(y\) when \(x_i = 0\) for all \(i\)
  • \(\beta_1\) is the slope – the expected change in \(y\) corresponding to a unit increase in \(x_i\), holding all other \(x_j\) constant

Completed Example: Simple Linear Regression

Disclaimer: There is much to learn about linear regression and we’ll just scratch the surface here. The MAT300 (Regression Analysis) course spends over half a semester on linear regression models so check it out if you are interested!

Inferential Question: Is there evidence to suggest that the average selling price for a home in Ames, IA changed from one year to the next during the 2006 - 2010 time period?

Note that selling price (price) and year sold (Yr.Sold) are both numeric variables, so linear regression is the tool we’ll need.

lr_mod <- lm(price ~ Yr.Sold, 
             data = ames)
lr_mod %>%
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 3904860.382 2250330.229 1.735239 0.08280373
Yr.Sold -1854.807 1120.799 -1.654897 0.09805253

Completed Example: Simple Linear Regression

Inferential Question: Is there evidence to suggest that the average selling price for a home in Ames, IA changed from one year to the next during the 2006 - 2010 time period?

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 3904860.382 2250330.229 1.735239 0.08280373
Yr.Sold -1854.807 1120.799 -1.654897 0.09805253

The Yr.Sold variable is statistically significant at the \(\alpha = 0.10\) level of significance but not at the \(\alpha = 0.05\) level of significance.

The fitted regression model suggests that: \(\mathbb{E}\left[\text{price}\right] = 3904860 - 1854.81\cdot\text{Year}\)

Notice that this model is suggesting that selling prices of homes in Ames, IA got cheaper over the 2006 to 2010 time period – likely a result of the subprime mortgage crisis.

Completed Example: Multiple Linear Regression

Inferential Question: Is there evidence to suggest that selling prices of homes in Ames, IA are associated with the living area (area), lot area (Lot.Area), lot frontage (Lot.Frontage), overall condition (Overall.Cond), year built (Year.Built), finished basement size (BsmtFin.SF.1), total rooms above ground (TotRms.AbvGrd), Fireplaces, Garage.Area, and the year sold (Yr.Sold)?

In this scenario, we are making use of lots of predictors but linear regression is still the tool for us to use!

Completed Example: Multiple Linear Regression

mlr_mod <- lm(price ~ area + Lot.Area + Lot.Frontage + Overall.Cond + Year.Built + BsmtFin.SF.1 + TotRms.AbvGrd + Yr.Sold + Fireplaces + Garage.Area, 
              data = ames)
mlr_mod %>%
  tidy() %>%
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -2.943430e+05 1.282270e+06 -0.2295484 8.184620e-01
area 7.732128e+01 3.310836e+00 23.3540089 5.515168e-109
Lot.Area 5.481738e-01 1.551690e-01 3.5327530 4.189325e-04
Lot.Frontage 2.095404e+01 4.418357e+01 0.4742496 6.353646e-01
Overall.Cond 8.835328e+03 8.400642e+02 10.5174437 2.494798e-25
Year.Built 9.082560e+02 3.379981e+01 26.8716332 1.836704e-139
BsmtFin.SF.1 2.610161e+01 2.036448e+00 12.8172200 1.940931e-36
TotRms.AbvGrd -1.550211e+03 9.457441e+02 -1.6391437 1.013129e-01
Yr.Sold -7.619441e+02 6.376780e+02 -1.1948728 2.322535e-01
Fireplaces 1.367370e+04 1.547053e+03 8.8385471 1.822937e-18
Garage.Area 7.366734e+01 5.031763e+00 14.6404609 1.414082e-46

Notice that the \(p\)-values on several variables are higher than the \(\alpha = 0.05\) level of significance

Completed Example: Multiple Linear Regression

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -2.943430e+05 1.282270e+06 -0.2295484 8.184620e-01
area 7.732128e+01 3.310836e+00 23.3540089 5.515168e-109
Lot.Area 5.481738e-01 1.551690e-01 3.5327530 4.189325e-04
Lot.Frontage 2.095404e+01 4.418357e+01 0.4742496 6.353646e-01
Overall.Cond 8.835328e+03 8.400642e+02 10.5174437 2.494798e-25
Year.Built 9.082560e+02 3.379981e+01 26.8716332 1.836704e-139
BsmtFin.SF.1 2.610161e+01 2.036448e+00 12.8172200 1.940931e-36
TotRms.AbvGrd -1.550211e+03 9.457441e+02 -1.6391437 1.013129e-01
Yr.Sold -7.619441e+02 6.376780e+02 -1.1948728 2.322535e-01
Fireplaces 1.367370e+04 1.547053e+03 8.8385471 1.822937e-18
Garage.Area 7.366734e+01 5.031763e+00 14.6404609 1.414082e-46

The \(p\)-values on Lot.Frontage, TotRms.AbvGrd, and Yr.Sold indicate that these predictors are not statistically significant – they are candidates for removal from the model

We’ll remove one predictor at a time, starting with Lot.Frontage since it has the largest \(p\)-value

Completed Example: Multiple Linear Regression

mlr_mod <- lm(price ~ area + Lot.Area + Overall.Cond + Year.Built + BsmtFin.SF.1 + TotRms.AbvGrd + Yr.Sold + Fireplaces + Garage.Area, 
              data = ames)
mlr_mod %>%
  tidy() %>%
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 3.109442e+05 1.138331e+06 0.273158 7.847511e-01
area 7.659370e+01 2.912533e+00 26.297966 5.716916e-137
Lot.Area 3.664148e-01 1.012082e-01 3.620407 2.991427e-04
Overall.Cond 8.465028e+03 7.241791e+02 11.689137 6.990825e-31
Year.Built 8.924039e+02 3.060811e+01 29.155801 3.130510e-164
BsmtFin.SF.1 2.627140e+01 1.821213e+00 14.425222 1.283976e-45
TotRms.AbvGrd -1.560141e+03 8.291916e+02 -1.881521 6.000057e-02
Yr.Sold -1.044427e+03 5.659507e+02 -1.845438 6.507512e-02
Fireplaces 1.238890e+04 1.341245e+03 9.236871 4.747040e-20
Garage.Area 6.964701e+01 4.463353e+00 15.604190 8.738445e-53

TotRms.AbvGrd and Yr.Sold are still not statistically significant, we’ll remove Yr.Sold this time since it has the highest \(p\)-value

Completed Example: Multiple Linear Regression

mlr_mod <- lm(price ~ area + Lot.Area + Overall.Cond + Year.Built + BsmtFin.SF.1 + TotRms.AbvGrd + Fireplaces + Garage.Area, 
              data = ames)
mlr_mod %>%
  tidy() %>%
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -1.786725e+06 6.133779e+04 -29.129265 5.617300e-164
area 7.660925e+01 2.913721e+00 26.292583 6.343693e-137
Lot.Area 3.702735e-01 1.012283e-01 3.657806 2.588789e-04
Overall.Cond 8.432137e+03 7.242580e+02 11.642449 1.180154e-30
Year.Built 8.927757e+02 3.062005e+01 29.156568 3.030702e-164
BsmtFin.SF.1 2.617136e+01 1.821156e+00 14.370739 2.677055e-45
TotRms.AbvGrd -1.543855e+03 8.294862e+02 -1.861219 6.281373e-02
Fireplaces 1.239109e+04 1.341797e+03 9.234697 4.840625e-20
Garage.Area 6.965581e+01 4.465189e+00 15.599743 9.304027e-53

Now we’ll remove TotRms.AbvGrd since it is still not statistically significant

Completed Example: Multiple Linear Regression

mlr_mod <- lm(price ~ area + Lot.Area + Overall.Cond + Year.Built + BsmtFin.SF.1 + Fireplaces + Garage.Area, 
              data = ames)
mlr_mod %>%
  tidy() %>%
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -1.800359e+06 6.092452e+04 -29.550639 3.903929e-168
area 7.240431e+01 1.840782e+00 39.333445 6.574109e-272
Lot.Area 3.687902e-01 1.012678e-01 3.641731 2.755167e-04
Overall.Cond 8.477005e+03 7.241620e+02 11.705950 5.779576e-31
Year.Built 8.974738e+02 3.052870e+01 29.397705 1.264713e-166
BsmtFin.SF.1 2.669187e+01 1.800314e+00 14.826235 5.287639e-48
Fireplaces 1.258046e+04 1.338498e+03 9.398936 1.076905e-20
Garage.Area 6.997559e+01 4.463765e+00 15.676361 3.061261e-53

All of the remaining model terms are statistically significant, so we’ve arrived at our final model

Completed Example: Multiple Linear Regression

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -1.800359e+06 6.092452e+04 -29.550639 3.903929e-168
area 7.240431e+01 1.840782e+00 39.333445 6.574109e-272
Lot.Area 3.687902e-01 1.012678e-01 3.641731 2.755167e-04
Overall.Cond 8.477005e+03 7.241620e+02 11.705950 5.779576e-31
Year.Built 8.974738e+02 3.052870e+01 29.397705 1.264713e-166
BsmtFin.SF.1 2.669187e+01 1.800314e+00 14.826235 5.287639e-48
Fireplaces 1.258046e+04 1.338498e+03 9.398936 1.076905e-20
Garage.Area 6.997559e+01 4.463765e+00 15.676361 3.061261e-53

The estimated model form is

\[\begin{align} \mathbb{E}\left[\text{price}\right] = &-1800539 + 72.4\text{area} + 0.37\text{LotArea} + 8477\text{OverallCond} + 897.47\text{YrBuilt}~+\\ &~26.69\text{BsmtFinSF} + 12580.46\text{Fireplaces} + 69.98\text{GarageArea} \end{align}\]

There are lots of inferences we can draw from this model – for example, holding all other predictors constant, each additional fireplace is associated with a higher selling price by about $12,580.46

Summary and Closing

Inference On... "Test" Name
One Binary Categorical Variable One Sample z
Association Between Two Binary Categorical Variables Two Sample z
One MultiClass Categorical Variable Chi-Squared GOF
Associations Between Two MultiClass Categorical Variables Chi-Squared Independence
One Numerical Variable One Sample t
Association Between a Numerical Variable and a Binary Categorical Variable Two Sample t
Association Between a Numerical Variable and a MultiClass Categorical Variable ANOVA
Association Between a Numerical Variable and a Single Other Numerical Variable Simple Linear Regression (More in MAT300)
Association Between a Numerical Variable and Many Other Variables Multiple Linear Regression (More in MAT300)
Association Between a Categorical Variable and Many Other Variables ✘ (MAT434)

We’ve covered lots of ground in this course – you leave MAT241 with an ability to conduct statistical inference in many contexts

There’s still more to discover though, and I hope some of your will join me in future semesters to take MAT300 and MAT434

Summary and Closing