Modeling Framework and {tidymodels}
Workflow Review
Typical Steps: In this notebook, our goals are to identify a standard modeling framework and workflow which can be applied across many scenarios. The main steps are below, but more detailed discussions of each follow.
- Split data into training and test sets.
- Perform exploratory analyses on training data.
- Split training data into cross-validation folds.
- Use cross-validation to estimate model performance.
- Identify a best model or suite of models to move forward with.
- Fit your best model(s) to your training set.
- Confirm model performance expectations using your test set.
- Deploy model and use it to make predictions on/for new observations.
While code will be exhibited in this notebook, no code will actually be run.
Splitting Data into Training and Test Sets
We always need to split our data into training and test sets. As a reminder, we can think of training data as observations that our models can practice on and learn from (say a practice exam) and test observations as “new” observations that our model(s) were unable to study from. These test observations play the role of future observations and ensure that our model performs as expected when applied to observations it hasn’t seen before.
The functionality for splitting data into training and test sets appears below.
set.seed(123) #set a seed to get same training/test data every time
<- initial_split(my_data) #mark observations as training or test
data_splits <- training(data_splits) #obtain training data
train <- testing(data_splits) #obtain test data test
Exploratory Analyses on Training Data
Exploratory data analysis, computing summary statistics and engaging in data visualization is an important part of any modeling project. We must make sure to do this work with our training data (train
) because otherwise, information from our test data (test
) leaks into our training process. This means that the test
data is no longer an unbiased estimate of model performance – we, and therefore our model, know information about the observations in the test set that we should not know.
More on exploratory data analyses and data visualization are covered in the x_TidyAnalysesReview
and x_DataVizReview
Split Training Data Into Cross-Validation Folds
The training and test set approach alone isn’t enough to reliably estimate model performance. For instance, if we simply train our models on our training data and evaluate them on a single test set, how do we know that we didn’t give our model a “test” which was easier than average (underestimating error rates) or more difficult than average (overestimating error rates)? We put a lot of faith in a single random split of our data when we do this and we risk untrustworthy performance estimates.
Cross-validation seeks to solve the issue outlined above by training and testing a model on multiple validation-folds, which act like test sets early in the modeling process. The idea is to take the training data and break it up into approximately equally sized folds. Each fold takes one turn being left out of the model training process and is used as a validation set for a model training on the remaining folds. That is, if we use 10-fold cross-validation for a logistic regression classifier, we obtain 10 estimated models and 10 estimates of model performance. We can average these performance estimates together to obtain a cross-validation performance estimate and we can even compute a standard deviation in the individual performance estimates on each fold so that we can construct a confidence interval for the expected performance of our model. In doing this, those “easy” and “difficult” validation sets that we encounter by chance, balance eachother out and we obtain a more reliable estimate of future model performance through the cross-validation process.
The code required to break our training data into cross validation folds is as follows:
set.seed(456) #Set seed for reproducibility
<- vfold_cv(train, v = 10) #Create 10 cross-validation folds train_folds
Estimate Model Performance with Cross-Validation
As mentioned above, cross-validation helps us obtain more reliable estimates of future model performance. It does this by averaging performance estimates computed on each individual fold.
Building a Model Workflow
Building a model workflow comes in three stages. We need,
- A model specification (an instance of the class of model we’d like to build)
- A model recipe (a description of the response and predictor variables our model will use)
- A workflow will contain our specification and recipe.
The setup will always look something like the following:
<- decision_tree(max_depth = 6) %>% #build a decision tree with max_depth fixed at 6
dt_spec set_engine("rpart") %>% #use the rpart package in R to build the tree
set_mode("classification") #set mode to "classification" or "regression"
<- recipe(response ~ ., data = train) %>% #use all available predictors to predict the response variable
dt_rec step_xxyy() %>% #add a feature engineering step
step_yyzz() #add another feature engineering step...
<- workflow() %>%
dt_wf add_model(dt_spec) %>%
Estimating Model Performance with Cross-Validation
To run cross-validation on a model workflow, we can pipe our model workflow into the fit_resamples()
function and by passing our cross-validation folds as the argument to it.
<- dt_wf %>%
dt_cv_results fit_resamples(train_folds)
Once we have run cross-validation we can collect (and summarize) our performance metrics using the collect_metrics()
#Overall Cross-Validation Results (Summarized)
dt_cv_results collect_metrics()
#Results by Fold
dt_cv_results collect_metrics(summarize = FALSE)
Identify a Best Model(s)
Generally, your best model will be the model that optimizes your cross-validation performance metric. That may be minimizing cross-validation error, or maximizing a type of accuracy metric.
Fit Best Model to Training Data
The problem with the cross-validation we’ve done above is that it doesn’t leave us with a fitted model. We’ll need to go back and fit the model to our training data before we can use it. We can fit our model by piping it into the fit()
function with our training data (train
) as the argument.
If the best model we’ve built is contained in a workflow called best_model_wf
, then we can fit that model as follows:
<- best_model_wf %>%
best_model_fit fit(train)
Verify Model Performance on Test Data
We can use our model to make predictions on new data by piping our fitted model into the augment()
function with the new data as the sole argument to augment()
. The result of using the augment()
function is a new column attached to the data set called .pred
. Since the test
set has a column for our response variable and now our model’s predictions, we can compare those using a performance metric or set of performance metrics. With the test
data, we do this like so:
<- metric_set(accuracy, precision, recall)
best_model_fit augment(test) %>%
my_metrics(response_column, .pred)
Making Predictions with a Fitted Model
Once you have a fitted model, you can use it to make predictions about the responses associated with new observations. As long as the new data has the same features as the model was trained/fitted on, then we can use the augment()
function to make those predictions.
best_model_fit augment(new_data)
As a reminder, the use of the augment()
function adds a new column to the new_data
data frame, called .pred
which contains the model’s predictions.
The detailed discussions above have broken up the {tidymodels}
workflow and perhaps made it seem daunting. Here is a condensed version:
#training and test sets
<- initial_split(my_data)
data_splits <- training(data_splits)
train <- testing(data_splits)
#build cross-validation folds
<- vfold_cv(train, v = 10)
#Create a model specification
<- decision_tree(max_depth = 6) %>%
dt_spec set_engine("rpart") %>%
#Create a recipe
<- recipe(response ~ ., data = train) %>%
dt_rec step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) #add recipe steps as needed
#Create a workflow
<- workflow() %>%
dt_wf add_model(dt_spec) %>%
#Run cross-validation to obtain cross-validation performance estimate
<- dt_wf %>%
dt_cv_results fit_resamples(train_folds)
#Collect cross-validation results
dt_cv_results collect_metrics()
#Fit model to training data
<- dt_wf %>%
dt_fit fit(train)
#Assess model on test data
<- metric_set(accuracy, precision, recall)
my_metrics %>%
dt_fit augment(test) %>%
my_metrics(response, .pred)
#Use model to predict for new data
dt_fit augment(new_data)
The steps in the code block above can be copied/pasted/adapted while you continue to build familiarity with the modeling process and also with the {tidymodels}
framework. Generally, you’ll build several model workflows and assess those models using cross-validation. That is, you’ll work through the blocks of code to create a specification, a recipe, and a workflow multiple times for different models/recipes. You’ll also run cross-validation and collect performance metrics for each of the model workflows you are constructing. From that point on, only the best model(s) are kept.