Now that you know a bit more about R Markdown and inline R code, find some opportunities to use inline R to automate bits of your discussion. This way, if the data set is updated you won’t need to make manual changes.

  1. Use inline R in a basic discussion of your data set. Use it to compute and print the number of observations and number of variables into a sentence.
  2. Use inline R to calculate at least three summary statistics in sentences where you are discussing them.
  3. OPTIONAL: Update as much of your notebook to use inline R as you like. Think of ways that inline R can make your life easier as you write reports and try to implement them.
  4. Pull, Commit, Push your changes to your remote GitHub repository. I already have the link to your repository, so you don’t even need to submit anything to finish this assignment!

Stop by my office if you have any questions or need help.