Purpose: In this notebook we’ll continue our exploration of ensembles by looking at boosting methods. While our previous topic – bagging and random forests – looked at models in parallel, boosting methods use models in series. That is, boosting methods chain models together, passing information from previous models as inputs to subsequent models. In particular,

The Big Idea

Boosting methods typically try to slowly chip away at the reducible error. In the first iteration of boosting, we build a weak learner (a high-bias model) to predict our response – in the next iteration, we build another weak learner in order to make predictions that will reduce the error from the first model. Subsequent boosting iterations build weak learners to reduce prediction errors left over from previous rounds.

We’ll use the regression setting to introduce boosting methods in this notebook though this technique is applicable to classification as well. There are a few additional intricacies in the classification setting, but the main idea is the same. Let’s see boosting in action using a small example with a single predictor. We’ll start with a toy dataset.

We’ll plot the results of four rounds of boosting below.

We can see that the boosting iterations each try to [very slowly] reduce the total error made by the model.

Some Warnings

We should beware of the following when using boosting methods.

How to Implementat in {tidymodels}

A boosted model is a model class (that is, a model specification). We define our intention to build a boosting classifier using

boost_tree_spec <- boosted_tree() %>%
  set_engine("xgboost") %>%
  set_mode("classification") #or "regression"

As with many of our model specifications, boosting models can be used for both regression and classification. For this reason, the line to set_mode() is required when declaring the model specification. The line to set_engine() above is unnecessary since xgboost is the default engine. There are other available engines though.

Hyperparameters and Other Extras

Like other model classes, boosted models have tunable hyperparameters. They are

  • mtry, which determines the number of randomly chosen predictors to offer each tree at each decision juncture.

  • trees determines the number of trees in the forest.

  • min_n is an integer determining the minimum number of training observations required for a node to be split further. That is, if a node/bucket contains fewer than min_n training observations, it will not be split further.

  • tree_depth is an integer denoting the maximum depth of each individual tree (not available for all engines).

  • learn_rate determines how quickly the model will attempt to learn (initial boosting iterations are weighted more heavily, while later iterations have less influence in the model’s ultimate predictions).

    • Powers of ten, for example 1e-5, 1e-3, 0.1, 10, are typically a good starting point for learning rates.
  • Additional hyperparameters are loss_reduction, sample_size, and stop_iter.

You can see the full {parsnip} documentation for boost_tree(), including descriptions of those last three hyperparameters, here.

How to Implementat in {sklearn}

A support vector classifier is a model class. We first import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn.ensemble and then create an instance of the model constructor using:

from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier

gb_clf = GradientBoostedClassifier()

Hyperparameters and Other Extras

Like other model classes, boosted models have tunable hyperparameters. The ones you are most likely to use are

  • max_features, which determines the number of randomly chosen predictors to offer each tree at each decision juncture.

  • n_estimators determines the number of trees in the forest.

  • min_samples_split is an integer (or float) determining the minimum number (or proportion) of training observations required for a node to be split further. That is, if a node/bucket contains fewer than min_samples_split training observations, it will not be split further.

  • max_depth is an integer denoting the maximum depth of each individual tree (not available for all engines).

  • learning_rate determines how quickly the model will attempt to learn (initial boosting iterations are weighted more heavily, while later iterations have less influence in the model’s ultimate predictions).

    • Powers of ten, for example 1e-5, 1e-3, 0.1, 10, are typically a good starting point for learning rates.

You can see the full {sklearn} documentation for GradientBoostedClassifier(), including descriptions of those last three hyperparameters, here.


In this notebook we were introduced to the notion of boosting methods. These are slow-learning techniques aimed at chipping away at the reducible error made by our models. We’ll implement boosting at our next class meeting.