Purpose: In this notebook we introduce the \(k\) nearest neighbors classifier. In particular, we note that

The Big Idea

A nearest neighbor model assumes that observations are most like those nearest to them. The nearest neighbor model makes predictions on a new observation in the following way:

  1. Identify the \(k\) observations which are closest to the new observation. (Note: It is possible to use a variety of distance metrics, not just the Euclidean metric.)

  2. Allow those \(k\) “nearest neighbors” to vote on the response for the new observation.

The following visual may be helpful.

About KNN

Given the two stage process, you might note that a nearest neighbor model isn’t actually trained. The “locations” and responses for the training data are simply stored, and when a prediction is to be made, the algorithm is run. This has several implications.

Where nearest neighbor approaches have the drawbacks cited above, they do have some significant advantages. In particular, they can approximate very complex decision boundaries. We can also tune the parameter \(k\) in order to obtain an appropriately flexible boundary.

Regression and Classification

It is worth noting that \(k\) nearest neighbors can be used in both the classification and regression settings.

How to Implement in {tidymodels}

A KNN classifier is a model class (that is, a model specification). We define our intention to build a KNN classifier using

knn_clf_spec <- nearest_neighbor() %>%
  set_engine("kknn") %>%

K Nearest Neighbors can be used for both regression and classification. For this reason, the line to set_mode() is required when declaring the model specification. The line to set_engine() above is unnecessary since kknn is the default engine. There are other available engines though.

Hyperparameters and Other Extras

Like other model classes, nearest neighbors have tunable hyperparameters. They are

  • neighbors, which determines the number of voting neighbors to determine the model’s ultimate prediction on a new observation.

    • Remember, the fewer voting neighbors, the more flexible the model is.
  • weight_func determines how we’ll compute distances between observations. More than just Euclidean distance ("rectangular") are available.

You can see the full {parsnip} documentation for nearest_neighbor() here.

How to Implement in {sklearn}

A KNN classifier is a model class. We first import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.neighbors and then create an instance of the model constructor using:

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

knn_clf = KNeighborsClassifier()

Note that, since KNN is a distance-based model, all numerical predictors should be scaled. Additionally, using categorical predictors with KNN models makes assumptions that aren’t well-supported. That being said, we can keep calm and cross-validate to determine whether using them improves model performance.

Hyperparameters and Other Extras

Like other model classes, nearest neighbors have tunable hyperparameters. The ones you are most likely to utilize are

  • n_neighbors, which determines the number of voting neighbors to determine the model’s ultimate prediction on a new observation. The default is 5.

    • Remember, the fewer voting neighbors, the more flexible the model is.
  • metric determines how we’ll compute distances between observations. More than just Euclidean distance are available.

    • p is an additional parameter associated with the metric which determines the powers used in the distance calculation. For example if p = 2 corresponds to Euclidean distance \(\displaystyle{\sqrt{d_1^2 + d_2^2 + \cdot + d_k^2}}\). The p parameter governs the powers and the order of the root used.
  • weights determines whether votes will be weighted or not. The possible values are uniform (all votes are equal) or distance (closer neighbors have more powerful votes).

You can see the full {sklearn} documentation for KNeighborsClassifier() here.


In this notebook we learned a bit about the \(k\) nearest neighbors algorithm. In particular, we saw that this is a distance-based algorithm which can be used for either regression or classification. We also saw that it is a non-parametric method which does not result in a model and cannot be interpreted. The algorithm is run every time a new prediction is to be made, making nearest neighbors an expensive algorithm in terms of both space and time. While nearest neighbors has its drawbacks it is a powerful technique which can fit very complex decision boundaries in the classification setting and can approximate complex functions well in the regression setting. Nearest neighbors also makes no distribution assumptions about the underlying data – only that observations are most similar to those around them.

We’ll implement \(k\) nearest neighbors using the nearest_neighbor() model class from {tidymodels} in our next class meeting.