January 6, 2025
Where is everyone at?
I’ll help you complete the installations throughout today’s discussion
Major Highlights from the Syllabus: I’ll ask you to read the syllabus, but the most important items are on the following slides.
Instructor: Dr. Adam Gilbert
e-mail address: a.gilbert1@snhu.edu
Office: Robert Frost Hall, Room 311
Office Hours:
First and foremost…everything is free!
Grade Item | Value |
Participation | 10% |
Homework (~6) | 25% |
Competition Assignments (~6) | 40% |
GitHub Pages Portfolio | 5% |
Project | 20% |
I’ve built a webpage to organize our course content.
Tentative timeline
, and GitHubMy goal in this course is for all of you to learn as much about classification and statistical modeling as possible – we can’t achieve that if you don’t feel like you are benefiting from our class meetings.
While we will be interfacing with data by running code, MAT434 is not a programming course
Because of this, I’ll encourage you to work with your favorite AI as an assistant
Summary: “Do this for me…” requests are against the rules, but “How do I…”, “Help me fix this…” or “Help me make this better…” are all encouraged. This goes for R code, markdown and formatting in Quarto, and your writing.
There’s probably room for a full course on this topic
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind
Very little, actually
Some intuition about randomness, noisy data, and uncertainty
Approximate Confidence Intervals: \(\left(\text{point estimate}\right) \pm 2\cdot \left(\text{standard error}\right)\)
Basic Hypothesis Testing: \(p< \alpha\) means data are incompatible with a null (skeptical) hypothesis
Model classes
Feature engineering
Deep Learning and Basic Neural Networks
Homework 1: Finish the software installation (due at the beginning of Wednesday’s class) – come see me if you need help
Read Chapter 1 (pages 1 - 14) of the Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISLR) book, or watch the corresponding videos from the textbook authors (the first two videos in the playlist).
Discusses three arenas where statistical learning is applied
(Recommended) Work through the Topic 2
and Topic 3
Tutorial notebooks for an intro to R and how to compute summary statistics. Before Wednesday of Week 2, work through Topic 4
on data visualization.
Stop by my office (Robert Frost 311), say hi and let’s briefly chat about the following: